Beginn with DC-Car

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DC-CAR System was developed by retired computer engineer Claus Ilchmann in Germany. After visiting Miniatur Wunderland in Hamurg Germany, Claus was fascinated with the operation of the moving cars and trucks on the layout. Since Wunderland's technology was proprietary, Claus decided to design a system that had realistic vehicle operation on his own. After much trial and error, he developed what is now the DC-CAR System.

The system uses Infrared [IR] signals much like your TV remote control. The front of every vehicle has a small IR receiver sensor, and the rear has a transmitter. Built into the chip hidden inside every vehicle is the collision avoidance logic. As the lead vehicle travels, it sends out a signal to the vehicle that's following. When the rear vehicle gets to close to the lead vehicle, it's brake lights come on for a few seconds, and the distance control programming takes effect. The rear vehicle starts to slow down, and when the lead vehicle stops , the vehicle behind stops as well. The decoder boards work in a manner similar to DCC locomtives and include the ability to change the CV values of many functions.

Miniature Motor Works was started by Thomas Kapatelis, during his 44 years in the model making and custom fabrication industry, he has been involved in the design and development of components for clients such as Bombardier/Lear Jet , and Disney- MGM Studios Theme Parks. Among his accomplishments during the ten years he ran his own company are full size aircraft trade show displays and specialty automotive and military parts. Been to Orlando? You may have seen the overturning military truck in the Indiana Jones Thrill Show.

Since 2000, Thomas has been General Manager of SMARTT inc., Scale Models Arts & Technologies, overseeing precision fabrication of the foundation, structural, and electrical work of model railroad projects such as Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry, Sacramento's California State Railroad Museum, Aventura Mall's annual train display, and dozens of private high-end displays. In addition,Thomas has now also turned his eye towards new technology, the DC-CAR system.

