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CV20 spezial funktions MF

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CV-List DC07/DC08

Setup of MF1, MF2 and Blue light

 0 =  MF1 is used as light 4
      MF2 is used as light 3
      No trailer-decoder
      Light 4 is connected with light 3
      The timing in CV33, CV35, CV37 and CV138 or CV126, CV129, CV132 and CV135 are used 
 1 =  MF1 is used as servo 1 output (Speed-Controller / Servo)
      MF2 is used as light 3
 2 =  MF1 is used as servo 2 output (Speed-Controller / Servo)
      MF2 is used as light 4
 3 =  MF1 is used as servo 1 output (Speed-Controller / Servo)
      MF2 is used as servo 2 output (Speed-Controller / Servo)
 4 =  Trailer decoder available
 8 =  Light 4 operated with F9, Light 3 operated with F8  
16 =  Light 4 as moving light (switched on together with front flash light F6)
32 =  The times setting in CV33, CV35, CV37 und CV138 and
      CV126, CV129, CV132 und CV135 are not used.
      The times will be determined randomly
64 =  Reserved 
128=  After -2 speed step command will be automatically accelerated