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Vehicle Decoder

DC07-SI for vehicles from 1.2 volts and above. Voltage converter and IR-receiver on board
For use with 3.6 volt batteries a safety-diode type 1N4001 is needed between battery and
voltage converter. If this diode is missing, the voltage converter will be destroyed when batteries are fully charged

Even for sophisticated demands, the DC07 series offers enough possibilities. All new features can be implemented into the DC07 series by simply upgrading its internal software.

vehicle decoders_DC07 and DC08 possible activities with servos

Connection (General)

minus (- from battery)
plus (+ from switch or reed switch [main switch])
phototransistor (as receiver mountet to the vehicle's front for digital central, function module, distance control)
LCIR-receiver (for booster or long-range (several meters) PC-control)
eedswitch (can be deactivated via CV59=11, compatible to other car-systems or system-off)
hallsensor (HG1 for automatic controls)
Lightsensor LDR (not available with DC06)
accumulator test (not activated on delivery, activation via CV27 and CV28)

Motor (up to max 500 mA)
light 1
light 2
light 3 (not with DC08)
light 4
rear light (bridge for brakelights/rear lights)
brake light (bridge for brakelights/rear lights)
blinker right (after configuration with CV59=67 usable as warning lights, too)
blinker left (after configuration with CV59=67 usable as warning lights, too)
flashing bluelight 1
flashing bluelight 2
flashing bluelight 3 (resistor required!)(connector not available with DC06)
flashing bluelight 4 (resistor required!)(connector not available with DC06)
IFR-LED (rear distance xmitter)

Decoder, updateconnector, carrier for rear lights, LCIR-receiver, hallsensor Connectors


5 pcs. of enameled copper wire
red + common for all LEDs
green - for IR-LED (rear) green - for IR tranistor (front receiver)
copper - blinker and violet + for IR tranistor (front receiver)
black - white LED, front lights, license plate lights, top lights.
blue - blue LED (blue flash lights), blue - red LED (brake lights and rear lights)
Components + -
red LED red blue
yellow LED red copper
white LED red black
blue LED red blue
IR-LED red green
IR-TR violet green

4 PVC-wires
red + decodersupply (battery input), battery to main switch, battery to charge-connector socket
black - decodersupply (accumulator input), optional reed switch (turn off contact)
yellow - Motor from decoder
blue + reed switch output to decoder

Update connectors approx. 7 cm enameled copper wire

in the following order and please: mark minus (Pin 1) - black Minus
+ red +4 volts
3 black
2 copper
1 red
R copper RESET
o blue serial out(applicable for sending signal to trailer-decoder)
I green serial in (applicable for LCIR)


These parts act on light. Mounted to vehicle's front.
Use of colored enameled copper wires is recommended

copper-colored = + Phototransistor
green = - Phototransistor

Measuring of a phototransistor
An ohmmeter, switched to 100kOhm, shows different values, dependant on whether light reaches the phototransistor or not.

Examples: Phototransistors

Reed Switch OFF

For switching off the reed switch at stops with permanent magnets.
For driving without being affected by stop coils (rescue missions, fire bridgade/police operations) ReedschalterOFF

System OFF

For switching off the vehicle with a control-device
This results in no battery-consumption at the fire station or on a car-park

Function can be used for turning OFF the complete installation or charging the vehicles
It makes sense to set CV69=0. This prevents the vehicle from instantly driving away when it is turned on.


DC07-SI (and DC05-SI) decoder with receiver and current converter, Operating voltage 1.2 volts and above

For general use with all functions see the following video:

DC07 Decoder information


Connect D007-Decoder (same as DC05 or DC04)

DC07 = DC05 Decoder information

DC07 Decoder information and DC07


The advantage of the DC08-I is its smaller construction. Because it is approx. 1/3rd smaller than a DC07-SI it can be
fitted into driver's cabs or cars more easy.
It has a phototransistor on board and can be used with LCIP for enabling long-range control

DC08 Decoder information and DC08

Current Converter

These modules are used to change the voltage.
In Car-System will increase the voltage and decrease the range of hte car.
See Electronic Voltage Transformer

Operation with Function Module

Special settings are required only if specific functions are required.

Hallsensor HG1

If you don't have your own configuration tools (e.g. digital controller) you can order with predifined settings.

Please let us know

bus control:
bus stop besides the street: O IR-OFF (CV100=14)
bus stop on the street: O IR-ON (CV100=15)
interior light: O yes (CV111=123) O no (CV111=1)
warning-lights: O yes (CV112=3) O no (CV112=0)

stop-time (range: 0 - 63 sec.) default value: 20 sec

Function Modules

General Annotations

A function module transmits commands to a DC-Car decoder
It always provides 8 outputs

Via bridging or selector-switch, 10 different modules are provided.
operating voltage: 9 - 12V AC or 10 - 14V DC

Maximum output: 1A total (i.e. over all output connectors) in "power" version
This is, for example, 50 IR-LED per output - at the same time.

For more details see here

Construction Manual

Enhancement by a diode-set-up with 1N400 enables it to transmit a set of commands almost simultaneously.

A function module can be upgraded to a function decoder
When upgraded it can be controlled by a DCC digital controller
For instance it is possible to either turn the eight output connectors ON or OFF by adresses 1 to 8.

Stop Module

Not jumpered or all switches turned OFF
Stop module: all 8 outputs transmit a stop signal

Function Module A

Basic Commands
Connector = Command
1 = speed to Speed Step 0 (Stop)
2 = driving light 1 ON
3 = driving light 1 OFF
4 = blinker left ON
5 = blinker right ON
6 = blinkers OFF
7 = speed to Speed Step 14
8 = speed to Speed Step 28

Function Module B

Emergency Vehicles Connector = Command
1 = speed to Speed Step 0 (Stop)
2 = warning lights ON
3 = blinker OFF
4 = flashing bluelight ON
5 = flashing bluelight OFF
6 = front flashing bluelight ON
7 = front flashing bluelight OFF
8 = speed to Speed Step 28

Function Module C

Additional Lights and Speed

1 = light 2 ON
2 = light 2 OFF
3 = light 3 ON
4 = light 3 OFF
5 = speed + 2 (accelerate)
6 = speed - 2 (decelerate)
7 = speed to Speed Step 10
8 = speed to Speed Step 21

Function Module D

Special Functions

Function Module E

Automatic Module

Function Module F

Special Functions

Function Module G

Emergency Vehicles

Function Module H

Default Assembly

Mobile Transmitter Mode

All jumpers set or all switches turned ON
Now all outputs or commands of a mobile transmitter are available

Assembly as Mobile Transmitter:
The chip has been assembled from different function modules. The letter names the function module(s), the number names the connector

D1 halt for a timerange, previously set by CV108, blinker OFF
D5 accelerate after halt with drive position from CV110 blinker OFF
C5 speed-increase +2 (acceleration CV 98)
H2 all lights OFF
A4 blinker left (CV27=64 enables warning lights)
A5 blinker right (CV27=64 enables warning lights)
A2 driving lights (CV60 enables light 1, 2, 3 und 4 ON at the same time )
H6 flashing bluelights and flashers with siren (can be set continuous for use as another two lights)

circuit diagram


Function Module SW (Switch)

This module is always delivered as power version. In this version it is capable of operating up to 50 IR-LEDs per output connector.
The module is a union of all other modules.

All jumpers/switches OFF: all outputs transmit drive position 0
All jumpers/switches ON: 8 mobile transmitter commands

jumper or switch "ON":
0 = module has no jumper
1 = FB-A jumper on 19-9
2 = FB-B jumper on 19-8
3 = FB-C jumper on 19-7
4 = FB-D jumper on 19-6
5 = FB-E jumper on 19-5
6 = FB-F jumper on 19-4
7 = FB-G jumper on 19-3
8 = FB-H jumper on 19-2
all = mobile transmitter mode

The module offers a various field of application

1a. with 2-pole push-buttons all commands will be transmitted for a short time
choice of module and connector is changed on the same time.

1b. with 1-pole push-buttons all commands will be transmitted for a short time
choice of module and choice of connector are changed at the same time via optocoupler

2. with two modules it is possible to transmit the signals over the installation continuously
Commands of one Module can be given parallel on an LED, commands of two modules only in series.

3. Creating a special module with the desired commands is possible.
(The 8 commands must match from the choice of possible commands)

Parts List

Parts List for function module SW
IC1 Microprocessor SW + 28-pin socket
IC2 20-pin socket for jumpers or switches
IC3, IC4 78S05 voltage regulator with heat-sink and screws
C1, C2 2 pcs. tantalum capacitors 1uF (yellow or blue; long or marked connector ist plus-pole)
C3 1 Stück Tantalkondensator 4,7uF (gelb; plus ist markiert)
C4 polarizedAE electrolytic capacitor 1000uF 40 volts
B1 bridge rectifier B80R1500
F1 electronic fuse 1A (yellow disc or rectangle)
R9 resistor 680 Ohm blue,grey, brown (also suitable: 1 kOhm )
R1-R8 8 pcs. resistor 1,0 KOhm to 2,2 KOhm vertical
T1-T8 8 pcs. transistor BD680
X1 1 pcs 2-pin terminal
board S8DCC
IR-LED 8 LED of yourt choice 3 mm, 5 mm, flat or SMD0603
8 pcs. resistors 1 KOhm for the LEDs

Assembly Description

Start with the sockets IC1 and IC2:
Put the 28-pin socket for IC1 (28-pin) into the holes. Turn the board upside down and solder it.
Do the same with the second, 20-pin-socket.
Both sockets have the marker-notch on the left side (see pict. 1).
solder in resistor R9 (680 ohms), then the bridge at IC2 pin 12 to 19
Insert the capacitors C1 and C2 (yellow, 1uF). You have to bend their connectors to make them fit into the board.
Insert the capacitors C3 and C4 (yellow, 4.7uF in the same way. care for the correct polarity of all capacitors!
Now insert the resistors R5 - R12 (1 - 2kOhms). They have to be soldered in in vertical position; as an alternative you can use SMD-parts
As next step insert the transistors T1-T8. On pict. 6 you can see how to set T1 into its correct position.
Now solder the power-connector X6.
After this is done solder the wire-bridge from J25 - J26 (pict. 7)
Now sold F1. Then fit in the bridge-rectifier and solder it. care for correct polarity!
Next step: screw the voltage-regultors IC3 and IC4 (both 78S05) to their heat-sinks and then mount them on the board.
After this: mount cpacitor C4. care for correct polarity!

via jumper you can choose one of the ten function modules. You do not have to think about which module you may need.
Just change the jumper's position and the module will transmit the 8 choosen commands.
All 8 commands are transmitted at the same time. This way, models with DC-Car decoders
can receive different commands at the same time.

If all parts have been soldered carefully and no solder point has been forgotten, you now can connect the power supply for the first time - either 12 - 18volts AC or 10 - 18volts DC with connector X6.
Now check via voltmeter if voltage between minus-connector of capacitor C2 and plus of jumper J26 is 5volts DC.
If so, this part is ok. Turn off power.
Now place the IC 1 on its socket. IC 1 = ATmega8L-8PI labeled with SW

Turn power on again. Closely monitor the IC. If it becomes hot, turn power off immediately and check orientation and position of ICs and check if there are any short-circuits on the board.

Function Module as Mobile Transmitter

With transmitter CPU 8 commands

Mobile transmitter for test from DC-CAR
The mobile transmitter controls following functions (only with decoder DC01/02*XF or DC04 and higher)

Instead of the special CPU "mobile transmitter" the function module sw can be used, with all switch-inputs "ON"

The chips have been assembled from different function modules. Letter names the function module
Number names the connector

D1 stop limited by time, blinkers OFF; time can be set by CV108
D5 start after stop () with driving-level from CV110, blinkers OFF
C5 speed +2 (acceleration CV98)
H2 all lights OFF
A4 blinker left (with CV27=64 blinkers left and right at the same time, i.e. warning lights, possible)
A5 blinker right (with CV27=64 blinkers left and right at the same time, i.e. warning lights, possible)
A2 low beam (with CV60 lights 1 to 4 at the same time possible)
H6 flashing blue lights and siren (or continuous light for another two lights)

With Function Module SW shiftable in 8 Layers

Choose the active function module out of eight by a selector-switch.

All commands in direct access

with a more complex circuit, more commands of the function module SW are usable



Function Decoder

Use the Function Module with Digital Control in DCC-Mode
To enhance operation by having digital input from the Function Module as a Function Decoder.
Addresses 1-8 (9-15 o.a.)can switch the 8 outputs using a digital controller in DCC-Format.
This makes sense especially when switching lights in combination with other features.

A Function Module can be retrofitted with a digital input.
The module can then be used as a decoder, with the additional ability to switch 8 consecutive DCC accesory addresses.

- Central switching for an emergency stop
- Turning the lights on/off for day/night operation

The blinkers can be controlled from a controlled junction, but the lights by a digiital address.

Day/night control with a Function Module.
Other features such as turn signals or stop continue to be operated via switches.

IR-LED on the Street

Installation of Infrared-LEDs on the layout to stop vehicles:

The Infrared - LED is placed next to or in the street so that the cars are covered by the infrared light and take over the function at the desired location.

In any case the Infrared - LED must be situated so the approaching cars can "see" the Infrared signal. On a straight road, the vehicle recognizes the function approximately 5 to 15 cm away from the LED.

Sometimes it is possible that the Infrared - LED signal is received from the parallel lane (eg left turn lane). In this case you can increase the series resistor to decrease the range of the Infrared signal, or you can recess the Infrared-LED into the roadway so that it illuminates only the top.

In this case you would use and LED with a large viewing angle. The spacing of the LEDs should be about 5-10 cm, but must be tested in each individual case.

The spacing of the LEDs should be approximately 5-10 cm, but it must begin in each case, that when crossing the first LED the car will begin to brake so that at the second LED it may come to a complete stop.

For vehicles requiring greater stopping distances additional LEDs may be required.

The LED's are connected via their own series resistors to the same output.

Operating with the Digital Control

For the DC-Car-Sytsem these DCC-Format controllers can be used:

Uhlenbrock:Intellibox (classic) tested
Fleischmann: Twincenter tested
Roco:Multimaus tested
ESU:ECOS tested
TAMS:EasyControl tested
Littfinski Datentechnik:DiCoStation ?
Modellplan: DigitalS ?


IR-LED connected directly to a Digital Controller

The IR-LED (same as with the Function Module) connected to a Diode (1N400x) and a resistor (1kOhm to 200 Ohm) can send the DCC-Signal direct to the car.
The range depending on resistance is 10-40 cm.
File:IFR Sender 3 en.jpg
The cars must use the main track signal. They will not operate on the programming port of the controller.

DC-Car-Booster on the Digital Controller

The Booster has the job of sending DCC-Signals to the car. Therefore an extra receiver (LCIR) is required. This allows a range of operation of up to 7 Meter.
Frequently the reflector is mounted on the ceiling and it covers an LED for about 1 m.
The fields should overlap. The angle of the LED is, depending on the model, 40 degrees (Standard) oder 20 degrees for more coverage .

Operating with DC-Car-Booster

The CV-setting 21 to 4 is required
In the Booster is a Control-LED which lights when a DCC-Signal is detected.
Connected to an Intellibox or TwinCenter it remains lit.
Connected to other systems irregular blinking may occur.

Adjustment and Operation of the Intellibox

Locomotive Data format DCC 28
Function F0 on F0 off with 2 keys
Function F1 to F4 on/off with each key
Function F5 to F8 on/off with LOK and then the F- key

Setting the ECOS

Setting in Windigipet

Operating with DC-Car-PC-Sender

In InfraCar-Mode setting CV21 to 8 is required.
(6 functions controlled e.g. with Windigipet as of Version 8.5 - max. 63 Adresse)

In DC-Car-Mode setting CV21 to 24 is required.
(9 functions controlled e.g. with Windigipet 2009 (update) to max 1023 Adressen)

In direct PC-Operation the vehicle should not leave after turning on.
here the CV69=0 is recommended.

The Protocol is similar to the InfraCar-Protocol.
Note: Transfer 2400, 1 Stopbit, no, 8 Databit
To operate in DC-Car-Mode a program must be written.
Note: Transfer 9600, 2 Stopbit, odd, 8 Databit
Data for Programming


The CVs in DC-Car-Systems are changed with an IR-LED from a DCC-Contoller.
Intellibox, Twincenter, or Multimaus are often used.
The operation of the IB is described at the end of the CV-Liste.
Connecting the IR-Emitter for programming
There are about 150 CVs available.
These are listed in the CV-Liste..
CV-Liste This list is applicable to most decoders.
If a command is not understood, it is indicated by continuous light on the hazard lights.

If you have adjusted too much and you do not know what to try, do a RESET.

RESET a DC-Car-Vehicle

It may even be necessary once again to recall the manufacturer setting.
It should be set as follows:

  • Stop the vehicle if possible(Speed 0)
  • Light switch (for better control)
  • Main track programming (only this function)

Select Adresse 1 (regardless of which address the decoder has)
CV59=3 (or CV59=67) Reset (Default is set. No battery test and no light sensor)

Special Settings - Easy add
0 = Normal Function
1 = Battery test port disabled(se also CV21)
2 = Headlight-sensor connection off
4 = F3 set blue light
Front blinkers are set with F4. F5 and F6 have no function
8 = Reed switch connection is turned off
16 = DC-CAR Plus Function:
The Function Module outputs "Headlight 1 OFF" Switches off also 2, 3 and 4
32 = DC-CAR Plus Function:
The Function Module outputs "Headlight 1 OFF" Switches all the lighting OFF (Blue light, etc.)
64 = DC-CAR Plus Function: The trun signals are coupled to outputs of the Function Modules.
By switching on both the left and right turn signals the hazard lights are turned on.

(The meaning of the numbers is looked up under CV-24)
When the command is received the headlights go off briefly and the brake light on briefly.
Now the model is set to Adress 1



Wiring Diagram Serial_converter

Operating Manual

Before turning on the key must be pressed.
When the lights are flashing, the button is released.
Now the decoder is in programming mode.
First, the CVs from the decoder must be read, so that makes the program based on the decoder type and firmware version.


CV-Programm 2.2 for DC04, DC05 and DC06

For Decoder as of June 09: DC04 Supported June 09
DC04 December 08
DC05 June 09
(DC06 June 09 only for special lists)
Version 2.2 for the DC04, DC05 und DC06 Decoder as of January 2009

Traffic Light Decoder

After switching on the light switch automatically expire.

When operating with a Digital Controller or a PC, the light switches are connected via switch button.


A traffic light decoder or traffic control device is a switching device to control 2 traffic lights and 2 pedestrian crossings.

Traffic light 1 green
Traffic light 1 yellow
Traffic light 1 red
Pedestrian crossing 2 red
Traffic light 2 green
Traffic light 2 yellow
Traffic light 2 red
Pedestrian crossing 1 red

8 Power outputs allow the switching of coils, relays or lamps.
Here, only lights with external resistors may be connected.
Load capacity up to a maximum of 1000 mA

The 8 light sockets allow connection of up to 4 lights per output(20 mA)
Since a common resistor is used, the LEDs are to be similar. (same manufacturer, etc.)
The switching is done on the - minus. The lights must have shared + PLUS.
The output supplies the 15 volt DC power supply for stop-coils, relays, etc.

Supply: 16-18 ~ Railway Transformer
If no stop-coils are needed a 12 volt power supply can be used.


The switching times and operating mode are set with a PC via an RS232 interface (or USB-> RS232 adapter).
The 4.4.3 programmer recognizes the decoder type, Servodecoder or traffic light decoder, and brings the corresponding operating window on the screen.

Thus, these decoders can be used for construction sites with both sides RED.

With the test function of the program the traffic light decoder is made to use from the PC.

Operating Mode

Select the desired mode for:
e.g. Netherlands RED, GREEN, YELLOW,

Digital Command Control

Since this assembly also has a digital input, it is also a digital controller to switch.

There are always 3 adresses shown:
The addresses can be changed with the button.
1-3 or 9-11 etc. (Step 8)

Adress 1 Red (or Adress 2 green)
the traffic light 1 stays Red and the traffic light 2 is GREEN
Adress 1 GREEN (or Adress 1 red)
the traffic light 2 stays Red and the traffic light 1 is GREEN
The change to yellow goes by itself.
By operating an address, the lights remain in the position.
If the automatic operation is resumed operate Address 3 RED.

Decoder Feedback


A feedback system uses the S88 bus.
This bus enables manufacturers to use different modules.

From Littfinski-Datentechnik is a Transponder system to work with the S88 Bus.
Thus Windigipet can automatically recognize the car or locomotive number.

From Ulenbrock the Lissy-System is mentioned.
The system controls an Intellibox due to a transmitter in the model.

When the voltage converter is converted to 5 volts, the system can be used with DC-Car.
Feedback Decoder

Occupied States SET-RESET

Through Set / Reset we have a permanent occupancy indication

Module S88-CAR

Occupied states at time

Temporally, we extended an occupied announcement to make the machines and the software work through time.

Module S88-2 Sec.

Feedback Detector S88 with Optocouplers

The decoders are robust against mis-wiring.

Module S88-opto

Feedback Detector with Transponder for S88 Bus

Servo Decoder

S8DCC/MOT 8 mode servo decoder with 2 positions (A und B)


S4DCC/MOT 4 mode servo decoder with 2 positions (A und B)
expandable with a relay for the feedback
e.g. to control a Function Module (Blinker)

Expandable with two relays for the core polarization at 2 headed model railways.
W4DCC/MOT 4 mode servo decoder with 4 positions (A,B,C und D)
With a servo 4 directions can be driven.
The infrastructure must be drawn somewhat complicated to view on the PC-window, since the model knows software only 3 directions.


Flashing headlights

Pin 1 and 8 on the Update switched (Programmer mode switched)

Reason: LCIR receiver does not have a positive pole Decoder connected improperly (Update reverse polarity PIN 7 and 8)

Constantly flashing brake light

  • Normal the brake lights flash 1 or 2 times when switching on

Battery collapsed, empty, broken or too small

Short-circuit, voltage output and voltage input bridged

Short circuit at the IR-LED

Short circuit through the trailer Decoder

Flashing brake light after actuation of a function

Short circuit in the function circuit

Brake light switch on ok, lights ok, but not driving

  • The reed switch line is interrupted
  • The reed switch is open because of the magnet
  • The vehicle has no reed switch and the Reset was carried out incorrectly.
 CV59=11 is without reed switch testing.

Motor drags

  • The output IR LED-Output and IR-Signal input (provided for external receiver) are bridged. They lie side by side.

This stops the car itself.

  • Battery collapsed, empty, broken or too small

Servo Decoder

Pages in category "DC-Car-System"

The following 130 pages are in this category, out of 130 total.