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Servo Decoder

Construction manual (in german)

S4DCC/MOT in the past H4

construction manual will follow

see also:

Vehicle decoder

DC01 out-dated
DC02 out-dated. Ideal for sending stop-signal or switching traffic-lights via a digital-central

DC04 out-dated
DC05 for trailers, tramway or standing vehicle (traffic light)

Following types with LCIR can be used with boosters and pc-transmitter

DC05-IR equivalent replacement for DC04-IR 3,6 Volts
DC05-SP-IR equivalent replacement for DC04-SP-IR from 1,2 Volts
DC05-SI for vehicles from 1,2 Volts voltage converter and IR-receiver on Board

successor of the DC04-SI (up to now without changes)
DC05-SI for vehicles from 1,2 Volts voltage converter and IR-receiver on Board
The new CPU provides space for new activities

DC07-I equivalent replacement for DC05-I 3,6 Volts
DC07-S equivalent replacement for DC05-S 1,2 Volts without IR-receiver.
DC07-SI for vehicles from 1,2 Volts voltage converter and IR-receiver on Board

successor of the DC04-SI (up to now without changes)
DC07-SI for vehicles from 1,2 Volts voltage converter and IR-receiver on Board
The new CPU provides space for new activities

DC08-I equivalent replacement for DC05-I 3,6 Volts
DC08-I-A for Trailer.

Introduction to dc-car system

Traffic Light Decoder

After turning on, the light changes run automatically
When running with a digital central changes of light are switched via switch key


One Traffic light controller can control 2 traffic lights and 2 pedestrian lights
traffic light 1 green
traffic light 1 yellow
traffic light 1 red
pedestrian light 2 red
traffic light 2 green
traffic light 2 yellow
traffic light 2 red
pedestrian light 1 red

8 power-outputs enable switching of coils, relays or lamps
Connect traffic lights with external resitors only!

maximum load 1A (i.e. 1,000mA)
The 8 traffic light outputs enable yoou to connect up to 4 lamps per output (20mA)
As a common resistor ist used, the LEDs should be out of the same series (i.e. same vendor and lot)
switched is - (minus)

Lamps MUST have common + (plus)

The 15V output provides DC-current for stop-coils, relays etc.

supply: 16-18V railway-transformer
when no stop-coils are needed, a 12V wallpower supply will do.


cycle times and operating mode can be set with PC via RS232 interface (or a converter USB to RS232)
The programmer 4.4.3 recognizes the decoder-type (servodecoder or traffic light decoder)
and provides the corresponding dialoges on the screen

This enables you to use the decoder for road works with both ends red

Operating Modes

choose the operating mode wanted:

  red, red+yellow, green, yellow, 


  red, green, yellow

Control via Digital Central

For this module has a digital input, it can be controlled via a digital central
Alway 3 adresses are used:

Address can be changed with the key 1-3 or 9-11 etc. (Step 8)

Address 1 RED (or address 2 green)
light 1 remains RED, light 2 remains GREEN
Address 1 GREEN (or address1 red)
light 2 remains RED, light 1 GREEN
change via yellow runs automatically

If any address is operated, the lights remain in current state
operating address 3, the system will return to automatic operation.

Check-back Decoder


A checkback system uses the S88 bus.
This enables the use of modules of different vendors
Littfinski-Datentechnik supplies a transponder-system which
is compatible and working with the S88 bus.
This enables Windigipet to automatically identify the vehicle- or locomotive-number

Another System is Ulenbrock Lissy
This system controlls a Intellibox via a transmitter within the model.
This system can be ussed with the DC-CAR System ehen the voltage converter is switched to 5V

Track Busy Messaging SET-RESET

With SET/RESET we get a permanent track-busy message Module S88CAR

Time Relating Track-Busy Message

A track-busy message that is prolongatet to provide more time for hard- and software to execute the message
Module S88-2 sec.

Checkback module S88 with optocoupler

These decoders are resistant against wrong cabling
Module S88-opto