DC07 Decoder information
Specification of the DC07-SI decoder
DC-Car/DC Car © Claus Ilchmann
Because the DC04 does not enough space for all functions, the successor, the DC05-SI was born.
The DC04 is no longer being produced.
Unfortunately, a firmware upgrade from DC04 to DC05 is not possible!
The decoder is 10mm x 15 mm and 3.5 mm thick.
A firmware upgrade from DC05 to DC07.(after 01-2014)
The newest update Dez.2017 for DC07 if use the news XT-Modul up to Sep 2017.
When first turning on the car the brake lights flash twice and the turn signals come on once.
This decoder has the following functions:
- Infrared receiver - Distance control - Short and long DCC addresses 1-126 and 128-9999 - All functions are programmable through CVs - Monitoring the state of charge of the battery - Control of up to 2 servos - It can also control: - Blue lights and headlights via the vehicle sensors - Turn signals, blue lights, driving lights, speed, etc. with DCC Digital Command using Infrared transmitters - Turn signals, blue lights, driving lights, speed and so on without DCC Digital Command using the various function modules. - Automatic functions can be controlled by two magnets in the roadway - Bus stop can be on the right or left of the road - Remote control up to a distance of 5-8 meters - Syncronized light control of the trailer - Resistors for most LEDs are on the board - Distance control can be disabled - The activation of the reed switch can be turned off - Even more features: - 4 blue lights - Blue lights can be switched to Double Flash - The blink rate for flashing blue lights is selectable (CV values or random) - 4 light outputs (1.2 and 3 individually switchable light, light 4 is coupled with light 3) - Control of up to 2 servos - Continuous light on stationary vehicles is switchable using CV24 - CVs can be read and programmed via the PC
Distance control:
The distance control requires no additional control, external control, programs, etc.!
The distance to the vehicle ahead is independently regulated by each vehicle. The ABS works with infrared signals. This is coded so that there is (almost) no outside influence by sunlight, fluorescent lights, etc. The distance control needs a receiving diode mounted underneath the front bumper on both sides and two transmitter LEDs in the back. The decoder inside the vehicle automatically controls driving and stopping.
The brake lights are also automatically controlled.
Nothing more is needed for driving the DC-Car decoder.
Traffic in moving queues without rear end collisions is now possible. The slowest vehicle determines the speed of cars following behind, almost without stop and go effect. The following vehicle adapts its speed of the preceding vehicle and remembers what that speed is. After a few seconds it accelerates again. If it catches up with the preceding vehicle again, it adjusts its speed. As soon as the road ahead is clear it accelerates slowly back to its original speed.
Imagine a vehicle stops at an intersection at a stop point and the following car slows down by itself (the brake light goes on for a few seconds) and remains a safe distance behind them, the next vehicle as well, etc. Now a queue is waiting at the crossing. If the stop is released, all the cars drive off in turn. That is just like real traffic. You only need a magnetic stop coil or an infra-red stop where the first vehicle is to be stopped!!
Voltage transformer on the board:
The voltage transformer on the circuit board operates down to a battery voltage of 0.9 volts.
It generates a constant voltage of 4.2-4.5 volts.
This allows white and blue LEDs to be easily used in the vehicles.
There is an Infrared receiver on the board:
At the receiver, the front sensors are connected to the distance control.
Short and long-DCC Address:
The short addresses range from 1 - 126 (Default = 1)
Long addresses may be made from 128 - 9999.
Addresses are switched on CV29.
All functions are programmable through CVs:
All parameters of the decoder can be set using the programmable CVs.
You need a DCC controller which has ‘Programming on Main’ capabilities e.g. Intellibox, Lenz Center, Twin Center. You cannot program DC-Car decoders on a programming track output. Most modellers already know about CVs from their locomotive decoders.
The DC05 is user-friendly and you can use computer software to view the CVs on a PC monitor and change them.
For this you will need a PC program, a USB or Serial adapter and a converter circuit board.
Monitoring the state of charge of battery:
Default = OFF
The voltage is measured at the battery at regular intervals while driving.
When the voltage is lower than 1 volt per cell at NMHI batteries, the car indicates this by flashing the head and brake lights. On the 3.6 LIPO the battery threshold is 3.0 volts.
The motor is automatically set to maximum speed so that the vehicle keeps moving.
If you do not want this monitoring, it can be switched off.
Automatic functions can be controlled by two magnets in the road:
Default = OFF
A Hall-effect sensor or second reed switch must be added to the vehicle.
1. Normal function (there is no need to program any CV)
First magnet:
Blue emergency and the front flashing lights switched on
Car accelerates to full speed
Sound is activated (i.e. siren)
Second magnet:
Blue emergency and the front flashing lights switched off
Car drives normally
Sound is turned off
Via the sound connector my sound-tiny can be activated
2. Fire engine (you need to program some CVs)
First magnet:
Blue emergency and the front flashing lights switched on
Optionally you can flash the head lights
Sound is activated (i.e. siren)
Car accelerates to full speed
Second magnet:
Car stops
Blue emergency lights still on
Front flashing lights switched off
Sound is turned off
Additional lights may be switched on
Timer runs 20 seconds
After timeout the blue emergency lights and additional lights are switched off
Left turn signal switched on
After 5 seconds fire engine starts driving
After 5 seconds left turn signal switched off
Optionally you can program if the rear IR-transmitter is on or off during the 20 seconds time to allow other traffic to pass while stopped
3. Bus or garbage truck (you need to program some CVs)
First magnet:
Bus decelerates
Right turn signal switched on
Second magnet:
Bus stops
Additional lights may be switched on
Timer runs for 20 seconds
After timeout additional lights switched off
Left turn signal switched on
After 5 seconds bus starts driving
After 5 seconds left turn signal switched off
Optionally you can program if the tail IR-Xmitter is on or off during the 20 second time
Optionally you may change the turn signals if the bus stop is at the left side of the road (i.e. Great Britian)
Remote control up to a distance of 5-8 meters:
Through the use of an additional receiver (TSOP7000) in the vehicle it can be controlled over a distance of up to 5 meters with the DCC booster or a PC-controlled transmitter.
Synchronized control of trailer lights:
A large number of wires from the motor vehicle to the trailer would be required to switch the lights on the trailer. These wires will stiffen the connection very much.
Remedy provided by the installation of a special decoder DC04-A in the trailer.
Thus the number of wires can be reduced:
Three wires when power is shared by motor vehicle and the trailer. Two wires, if the trailer has its own battery.
Resistors for most LEDs are on the board:
The following LEDs require external resistors of 330 ohms:
Blue light 3 + 4
Front flashers
Disable the distance control:
The "Rolling Road", you can still use. To turn off just before the ascension to the car, the distance control with F3. With the F4 function of reed can be turned in the vehicle. Thus, the trucks drive over the existing permanent magnets in the cars without the use of the coils under the track.
Stop before starting up the car on the truck is, the F4 is turned off again.
To shut down the F4 and the distance control is activated again.
The detection of the reed switch can be turned off:
With the F4 function the reed switch can be turned off in the vehicle. This allows the vehicle to drive over installed permanent magnets in the roadway.
Stop points can be constructed with permanent magnets.
The car stops on the magnet until the reed switch is turned off with F4. Before the next stop point, turn detection on again with F4.
Driving with the controller via the function module:
By using the function module predefined commands can be sent to the decoder. In contrast to control through a digital central every vehicle responds to these commands.
The individual commands are described in the function module.
Driving with a digital controller:
The use of DCC allows all the functions of the decoder to be used.
But it responds only the vehicle that has the correct address.
The commands in detail: Speed in 28 steps F0 = Light F1 = Turn signal left F2 = Turn signal right F1 + F2 = Warning sign F3 = distance control on / off F4 = ignore magnetic stop sections F5 = blue light F6 = Front flasher F7 = Light 2 F8 = Light 3
The decoder provides for several options:
Infrared LEDs can be connected to the rails of the DCC system.
These LEDs are placed at regular intervals along the road, or can be placed where something needs to be controlled.
With the DCC Booster
The vehicle is used with a special receiver chip ('L'ong 'C'ontrolle 'I'nfrared 'R'eceiver).
The booster allows the control of the cars up to a distance of 5-8 meters.
With the PC transmitter
The vehicle requires a special receiver chip.
The transmitter allows control of the cars up to a distance of 5-8 meters.
The PC station is supported by WinDigiPet as an independent control center.
With this combination, it is possible to control the cars by software without DCC.
You can write your own program. The parameters are published.
Light sensor:
A light-sensitive sensor (LDR) can be connected to the decoder.
Depending on ambient light the lights will turn on and off, i.e. on when entering a tunnel and off when exiting)
For more information or suggestion for new decoders or functions, please look: www.wiki.dc-car.de
This page has been translated, with permission, from a page on Claus Ilchmann’s web site.
The original page, in German, is located here.
This translation is provided with no guarantee of accuracy or liability for errors.
Should you decide to use the DC-Car system then you should check that the functionality meets your needs by reference to the manufacturer’s web site.