Introduction of the DC-Car System
DC-Car System offers 7 possiblities to control the cars
1. Automatic for Bus/Fire-Engine/garbage truck e.g. z.B. a bus or garbage truck will be controlled via permanent magnet mounted on the bottom of the vehicle. - Turnout right and slow speed - Stop for 20 seconds with light #2 on and/or warning lights
2. Distance or anticollision control DC-Cars control their distance automatically
3. Control via a Function Module Commands are transmitted via IR-LEDs along the street to the cars and they are valid for all cars
A function module can be used as hand-held transmitter.
4. Control via a DCC-station - Distance about 25 cm or 10 inch Commands are transmitted via IR-LEDs along the street to the cars and they are valid only for those cars with the correct address.
5. Control via a DCC-station and the DC-Car-Booster - Distance up to 5 meters or 15 feet Commands are transmitted via high output IR-LEDs e.g. reflecting from the ceiling and they are valid only for those cars with the correct address.
6. Control via a DC-Car-PC-Xmitter - Distance up to 5 meters or 15 feet Commands are transmitted via IR-LEDs e.g. reflecting from the ceiling and they are valid only for those cars with the correct address. Notice: This xmitter can only be used by WinDigiPet sortware.
7. Automatik Bus/Feuerwehr/Müllauto usw. Die Autos steuern sich gegenseitig z.B. Feuerwehreinsatz
Introduction to the DC-Car System
Mainly in German:
Functionmodul, Modelcars digital controlled usw.
The new functionmodule with selective switches is available since 2009. Functions are selected via switches 1=A ... 8=H
The Stopmodule is implemented into the functionmodule since 2009. Set all switches "off".
DC-Car Decoder
DC01 no longer available, but it is still compatible with the newer versions
DC02 older version, but it can be used for some other applications like "xmitting a stop signal" or "traffic light controller"
The DC04 decoders can be used with DC-Car-Booster and DC-Car-PC-Sender
There are no more updates available, because the DC04 is replaced by the newer DC-05 decoder.
DC04 without IR-Receiver and without stepup DC/DC converter.
Very well usable for lorries, tram, cars on fixed location as well as for other control applications.
2 Servos may be used
Can be directly connected to a digital signal via a 470K resistor
Supply a voltage from 3.6 to 4.8 Volt
DC04-IR with an additional IR-Receiver and without stepup DC/DC converter.
Automatic distance control is active
Can be used in all cars
Supply voltage from 3.6 to 4.8 Volt
DC04-SP-IR with an additional IR-Receiver and stepup DC/DC converter.
Automatic distance control is active
Can be used in all cars
Works from 1.2 to 3.6 Volt
DC04-SI IR-Receiver and stepup DC/DC converter on board
Compact form while both sides are assembled.
Automatic distance control is active
Can be used in all cars
Works from 1.2 to 3.6 Volt
The DC05 decoder can be used with DC-Car-Booster and DC-Car-PC-Sender
DC05-SI IR-Receiver and stepup DC/DC converter on board
Compact form while both sides are assembled.
Automatic distance control is active
Can be used in all cars
Works from 1.2 to 3.6 Volt
This decoder has more programming space for further functions in the future.
DC06-I decoder can be used with DC-Car-Booster and DC-Car-PC-Sender (old Version)
Smaller than a DC05 decoder.
Compact form while both sides are assembled.
Automatic distance control is activ
Can be used in all cars
Works from 3.6 to 4.8 Volt
With an additional stepup DC/DC converter it can be used from 1.2 Volt.
It has less functions than a DC05-SI because of the smaller size.
The DC07 decoder can be used with DC-Car-Booster and DC-Car-PC-Sender
The DC07 decoder is our current product.
DC07-SI IR-Receiver and stepup DC/DC converter on board
Compact form while both sides are assembled.
Automatic distance control is active
Can be used in all cars
Works from 1.2 to 3.6 Volt
This decoder has more programming space for further functions in the future.
DC08-I decoder can be used with DC-Car-Booster and DC-Car-PC-Sender (new Version)
The DC08 decoder is our current product.
Smaller than a DC07 decoder.
Compact form while both sides are assembled.
Automatic distance control is activ
Can be used in all cars
Works from 3.6 to 4.8 Volt
With an additional stepup DC/DC converter it can be used from 1.2 Volt.
It has less functions than a DC05-SI because of the smaller size.
Explanation of the abbreviations:
-SP = Stepup DC/DC converter (discrete board) -IR = IR receiver to be used for distance control (discrete board) These decoders can be programmed to your specific needs. -I = Only IR receiver on one board -SI = Stepup DC/DC converter and IR receiver on one board
Reed switch
Within the "Faller®" cars two types of reed switches used.
1. Reed switch with 2 terminals:
There are 3 possibilities
1. The reed switch controls the power. The power is turned off when the vehicle is on a stop coil. Because the vehicle is set to drive off when the magnet is released (using CV69=1) it can be used on a Faller® layout. Advantage: It uses no battery power while stopped. Disadvantage: The lights go off when stopped at a traffic light.
2. It turns off only the motor. There is not enough information to the decoder to illuminate the brake lights. Advantage: The lights remain active. Disadvantage: For a longer stop or waiting at a fire the battery will be drained.
3. The reed switch gives instructions to the decoder to stop. The decoder brings the vehicle to a gradual stop. Advantage: The system remains active and the lights are useable. With this a stop magnet can be ingnored by using F4, a Function Module or a handheld transmitter. Thus permanent magnets can be used to park the cars. Disadvantage: For a longer stop or waiting at a fire the battery will be drained.
DC-Car special application
SYSTEM OFF offers a possible extension of the DC-car system. A future feature of the system in option 3 above will expand the on and off features of some components. Normalbetrieb: alles wie immer zu benutzen.
SYSTEM OFF: One function used in conjunction with the stop magnet shuts the master switch off.
That way vehicles can remain on the layout.
Function Module
With a Function Module commands can be transmitted from the roadside via Infrared LEDs.
STOP, Lights on / off, Blinker left /right / off, Speed step 14 (50%) / 28 )100%)
A Function Module can be placed in a housing with a rechargeable battery and serve as a handheld control.
Infrared lights are invisible. With a digital camera you can see the signals as bursts of light.
Phototransistors receive the light, creating a current flow.
IR-LEDs emit Infrared light.
The IR-Receiver is seperate with the DC01 und DC02, with the DC04-SI, DC05-SI und DC06-I it is on the circuit board.
The photo transistors are mounted on the front and receive transmitted signals.
The resulting signal is fed to the processor.
A single receiver can be used as an IR tester.
With this you can check the range of the IR-Station and the reflectors on the autos.
Typically the signal barely reaches over 30 cm.
A tester is inkl the remotecontrol MF Plus
LCIR Long Conrolle Infrared Receiver
(Long Controlle Infrared Receiver)
Allows you to operate the car on longer range.
More Information: LCIR