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This feedback decoder has 16 inputs which are connected to phototransistors.
1 busy / idle
2 busy / idle
3 busy / idle
16 busy / idle

Only pulses of DC-Cars are recorded .

  • Side radiation (connecting MF5) CV25 = 4
  • Bodenstrahler (connecting MF5) CV25 = 4
  • Back radiation by IR LEDs used for anti collision CV25 = 1

With 16 sensors 16 responses are recorded.
For this purpose you need, FTR Fototransistors .

  • SMD 0603 oder andere
  • (To obtain special holders for mounting in the roadway) 3 mm

However, the IR version only accepts the signals from DC Car on.
* Back radiation by IR LEDs used for anti collision CV25 = 1
With 16 sensors 16 responses are recorded.
For this purpose, Reedschalter and Hallsensoren (HG1) are not suited.
Signal of vehicles, trailers or the remote controller can cause an occupancy indication.